From the rugged coastline of Ningaloo and Cape Range to the flat lands of Western Australia, the journey north towards Exmouth was a beautiful and challenging experience. With a stunningly diverse landscape, it was hard to determine whether it was blue or red hour on the west coast. The lifted plateau of Cape Range provided some dramatic scenes, with huge canyons chiseled by a millennia of rain.
We spent long days on the endless straight roads, stopping briefly to take snapshots, refuel, or to eat and freshen up. After leaving the Southern coast, where the trees were huge and the coastline was rocky, we made the 2000km journey north up the Coral Coast towards Exmouth. The drive was a haul, but we managed to cover the entire distance over three days, stopping at a few of the National Parks along the way.
The coastline was rugged in parts, while the land became flat and barren. But the Western Australian gem, the Cape Range, was a pleasant relief after hours of driving through endless flat countryside. The rugged landscape was teaming with wildlife, while the reef hosts spectacular sea life. And the colours and textures of one of Australia's pink salt lakes were a sight to behold.
It was a journey filled with moments captured on film and digital, exploring the beauty of Western Australia. From the very red Australian sunrises to the stunning coastline and the dramatic scenes of Cape Range, it was an unforgettable experience.